Why join a trial?

Discover the benefits of joining one of our clinical trials

Find the support you need

Get specialist care from our expert healthcare teams

Receive medical care from qualified specialists throughout the study

Experience support: your physical and mental well-being is always our top priority.

Connect with healthcare professionals and access the latest medicines and therapies

Eine Pflegerin spricht mit einer Patientin
Eine Ärztin spricht mit jemandem

Discover new solutions

Access the latest medicines and therapies

New therapies could offer you the chance to alleviate pain or other stressful symptoms, potentially improving your quality of life.

Receive innovative treatments that could produce better results than standard treatments.

Be part of real progress

Join a community helping shape the future of healthcare

Contribute to the advancement of medicine by joining a community that is actively involved in shaping the future of healthcare through clinical trials.

Exchange ideas with experts and other patients.

Make a contribution to the development of better treatment options - for yourself, others like you and future generations.

Register your interest
by filling  in a study form

Speak with our team
to check your eligibility

Arrange your visit
with the site team

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"I was a bit dubious about taking part in a clinical trial but after experiencing it, I would recommend to my family"
Trial Participant - Cardiovascular Disease Study
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"Just a few words of thanks for the kind and professional manner in which I was received and examined"
James L
Trial Participant - IBS (2022-2023)
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"I can't thank you enough for your help. If I hadn't taken part in this trial, I'd still be having regular migraines"
Charmaine R
Trial Participant - Migraines (2023-2024)
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"I was a bit dubious about taking part in a clinical trial but after experiencing it, I would recommend to my family"
Trial Participant - Cardiovascular Disease Study
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"Just a few words of thanks for the kind and professional manner in which I was received and examined"
James L
Trial Participant - IBS (2022-2023)
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"I can't thank you enough for your help. If I hadn't taken part in this trial, I'd still be having regular migraines"
Charmaine R
Trial Participant - Migraines (2023-2024)
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