Your experience

What you can expect if you join one of our clinical trials


Determining your eligibility

First contact: After you have registered your interest in one of our studies, our research team will be in touch with you by phone. Our team will discuss the study with you in more depth and check your eligibility for the study against the study's unique inclusion & exclusion criteria.

In-Person Appointment: After we've checked your eligibility on the phone, we'll invite you in for a screening visit to your local clinic. At this visit, you'll have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have to our nurses and doctors and if all goes well, you'll be enrolled into the trial!

Professional Support: We will inform you thoroughly about the study before you decide to participate. Throughout the study, you will have access to a dedicated team of medical professionals who will deal with any questions or concerns immediately.

Ethical review: All studies are subject to strict ethical and legal standards, which are regularly monitored. Your well-being always comes first.

Eine Pflegerin spricht mit einer Patientin
Eine Ärztin spricht mit jemandem


Participate in your study at your local clinic

Inviting atmosphere: Experience a comfortable environment where you feel at home.

Modern facilities: Enjoy state-of-the-art facilities equipped with everything you need.

Personal support: Receive competent and empathetic support from our specialist staff at every stage of your participation.

Why FutureMeds?

Find out more about FutureMeds and our clinical trials

Interested in joining a trial but none of our studies are relevant to you at the moment? Join our research register and we will contact you when a new study launches that may be of interest to you.

FutureMeds operates 20 specialist research sites across Europe and has  enrolled over 22,000 participants in studies. With over 1,200 fully trained and certified nurses across Europe and a full medical team at each study site, you can rest assured that you are in good hands.

With over 20 years of clinical trials experience your journey through clinical research will be smooth and comfortable: You will receive comprehensive support from our specialised staff throughout the duration of your study participation.

Help us to find answers to important questions - so that medical progress becomes a reality and we can achieve the best possible healthcare together.

Register your interest
by filling  in a study form

Speak with our team
to check your eligibility

Arrange your visit
with the site team

Get started now

Join our register
"I was a bit dubious about taking part in a clinical trial but after experiencing it, I would recommend to my family"
Trial Participant - Cardiovascular Disease Study
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"Just a few words of thanks for the kind and professional manner in which I was received and examined"
James L
Trial Participant - IBS (2022-2023)
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"I can't thank you enough for your help. If I hadn't taken part in this trial, I'd still be having regular migraines"
Charmaine R
Trial Participant - Migraines (2023-2024)
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"I was a bit dubious about taking part in a clinical trial but after experiencing it, I would recommend to my family"
Trial Participant - Cardiovascular Disease Study
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"Just a few words of thanks for the kind and professional manner in which I was received and examined"
James L
Trial Participant - IBS (2022-2023)
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"I can't thank you enough for your help. If I hadn't taken part in this trial, I'd still be having regular migraines"
Charmaine R
Trial Participant - Migraines (2023-2024)
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